Ordines Militares

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  • English (United Kingdom)

2018 - XXIII

Bd. I: 1983 Bd. II: 1984 Bd. III: 1985 Bd. IV: 1987 Bd. V: 1990
Bd. VI: 1991 Bd. VII: 1993 Bd. VIII: 1995 Bd. IX: 1997 Bd. X: 1999
Bd. XI: 2001 Bd. XII: 2003 Bd. XIII: 2005 Bd. XIV: 2007 Bd. XV: 2009
vol. XVI: 2011 vol. XVII: 2012 vol. XVIII: 2013 vol. XIX: 2014 vol. XX: 2015
vol. XXI: 2016 vol. XXII: 2017 vol. XXIII: 2018 vol. XXIV: 2019 vol. XXV: 2020

vol. XXIII: 2018

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I. Studies and Articles from the 19th Ordines Militares Conference:

  • JULIA PAVÓN BENITO, MARIA BONET DONATO - Papal policies towards the Templars and Hospitallers in the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre (12th-13th centuries), pp. 7-42
  • ANTI SELART - Die Rolle des Deutchen Ordens bei der Entstehung der Pfarrorganisation in Livland, pp. 43–74
  • JÜRGEN SARNOWSKY - Johanniterbischöfe im Östlichen Mittelmeer (14.–15. Jahrhundert), pp. 75-92
  • KRISTJAN TOOMASPOEG - The military orders and the diocesan bishops: a pragmatic relationship, pp. 93-125
  • KLAUS MILITZER - Die Eingliederung der Deutschordensballei Koblenz in die Struktur des Kölner Erzstifts, pp. 127–141
  • ANNA K. DULSKA - Praelatus sive magnatus: Hospitaller priors among the ecclesiastical elites of the Kingdom of Navarre in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, pp. 143–165
  • MONIKA JAKUBEK-RACZKOWSKA - Die Domkapitel und Bischöfe im Ordensland Preussen: Ideologie, Religiosität und Kirchenreform anhand der Bildlichen Quellen, pp. 167-201
  • MARCIN SUMOWSKI - Secular clergymen in the castles of the Teutonic Order in Prussia, pp. 203-234
  • RENGER E. DE BRUIN - The religious identity of the Teutonic Order Bailiwick of Utrecht, 1560–2006, pp. 235-271

II. Other Studies:

  • ALAN J. FOREY - Templar provincial chapters in the later thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, pp. 275–299
  • SŁAWOMIR JÓŹWIAK, JANUSZ TRUPINDA - Die Bauchronologie und das Raumprogramm der Deutchordensburg Barten (Barciany) im Lichte Mittelalterlicher Schriftquellen, pp. 301-338
  • JULIUSZ RACZKOWSKI - Not only the Golden Gate? A newly discovered fragment from the decoration of the castle chapel portal in Althaus (Starogród) as a contribution to the identification of ceramic sculpture in the Teutonic Order's State in Prussia, pp. 339–357

III. Book Reviews and Book Notices:

  • Maciej Badowicz. Studium z dziejów wina w państwie zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach XIV–XV wieku: produkcja, dystrybucja, konsumpcja [A Study of Wine in Teutonic Prussia, 14th–15th Centuries: Production, Distribution, and Consumption], (by JANUSZ TANDECKI), pp. 361-365
  • Amtsbücher des Deutschen Ordens um 1450. Pflegeamt zu Seehesten und Vogtei zu Leipe [Office books of the Teutonic Order around 1450. Pflegeamt in Seehesten and Vogtei in Leipe], (by SŁAWOMIR JÓŹWIAK), pp. 366-368
  • Karl Borchardt, Damien Carraz, et Alain Venturini. Comptes de la commanderie de l’Hôpital de Manosque pour les années 1283 à 1290 [Accounts of the Commandery of the Hospital of Manosque for the years 1283 to 1290], (by SYLVAIN GOUGUENHEIM), pp. 369-371
  • Alicja Dobrosielska. Opór, oportunizm, współpraca: Prusowie wobec zakonu krzyżackiego w dobie podboju [Resistance, Opportunism, Cooperations: Old Prussian attitudes towards the Teutonic Order during the Age of Conquest], (by ALICJA SUMOWSKA), pp. 372-375
  • The Military Orders. Vol. 6.1, Culture and Conflict in the Mediterranean World, and Vol. 6.2, Culture and Conflict in Western and Northern Europe, (by ANNA MALESZKA), pp. 376-383
  • Sebastian Kubon. Die Außenpolitik des Deutschen Ordens unter Hochmeister Konrad von Jungingen (1393-1407) [The Teutonic Order’s Foreign Policy under Grand Master Konrad von Jungingen (1393-1407)], (by ADAM SZWEDA), pp. 384-391
  • Ritter, Verwalter und Repräsentanten – Priester und Seelsorger: Burgen, Residenzen und Kirchen des Deutschen Ordens [Knights, Administrators, and Representatives – Priests and Pastors: Castles, Residences, and Churches of the Teutonic Order], (by KRZYSZTOF KWIATKOWSKI), pp. 392-397